Online Marketing Blog

The RedFly 2010 Marketing Conference & Event Schedule

Want to meet with us in 2010? The Redfly team will be traveling the globe to attend a wide verity of Internet marketing and blogging events in 2010. Why not get in touch if you’re at any of the same events or even nearby and we can go for coffee or just shoot the breeze?

Below is a chronologically listed schedule for the remainder of this year. Do say hello!

January 23rd: Mulley Communications Online PR Workshop Dublin

Online PR

The Online PR workshop run by Damien Mulley of Mulley Communications is putting on it’s inaugural workshop dedicated to online public relations, reputation management, online communications and crisis communication. The event will be held at the Radisson Blu hotel in Dublin and is set to be a sure fire hit.

February 4th: Dublin Web Summit

Dublin Web Summit 2.0

The Dublin Web Summit run by Paddy Cosgrave will take place in Trinity College Dublin. It will feature influential keynote speakers such as Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, and Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress as well as delegates from a massive array of Irish companies (and a guest appearance from bohemian economist David McWilliams) .

February 15th – 18: OMS & Search Engine Strategies (SES) London

Online Marketing Summit London

The first search related conference of the year kicks off with a double whammy. The online Marketing Summit and Search Engine strategies have teamed up to offer search geeks and search engine marketers everywhere a bumper 4 day search conference featuring the legendary author of Web Analytics An Hour A Day, Avinash Kaushik. The conference will feature well known guest speakers such as Richard Baxter UK SEO, Lisa Myers, Ciaran Norris, The lovely folk from Ayima SEO and legend in his own right, John Myers of Mediavest. I’ve also heard there is due to be quite a large knees up at the LondonSEO party. To get a 20% discount on the cost of this event, use the promo code 20SPG when registering.

March 6th -7th: WordCamp Ireland

Wordcamp Ireland

Another inaugural event, WordCamp Ireland will be held in Kilkenny, Ireland (which for some reason I’ve never been to). Wordcamp promises to be two days of everything WordPress related. The event is being run by Pixel Pusher Sabrina Dent and will feature well known bloggers and techies such as Donncha O Caoimh, Joost de Valk, Niall Harbison. Redfly are also one of the sponsors of this event for which we have been promised that there will be a “Redfly Cocktail” made available to all attendees.

March 27th: Irish Blog Awards (Galway)

Irish Blog Awards

The fourth annual Irish Blog Awards (which takes place in a different county every year) will take place in Ireland’s “Culture Capital”, Galway. The blog awards, run by Damien Mulley (Is there anything he isn’t involved in?) is set to be a night of fun, frolics, recognition and … well, cool awards. Redfly is also sponsoring the best group blog category. Good luck to everyone who makes the shortlist! *This event was held in the Radisson Blu in Galway.

April 22nd-23rd: Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Sydney

Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Sydney

The Search Marketing Conference & Expo in Sydney is “Australia’s #1 Search Marketing Event and is the “must-attend” Search Engine Marketing and Social Media event of the year in Australia”. SMX Sydney will feature speakers like Greg Boser, Todd Freisen and the always lovely Gillian Muessig or SEOmoz. ***Thank you Volcano Gods for ruining this trip.***

May 17th-18th: Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Advanced London

Search Marketing Expo (SMX) London

SMX Advanced in London is the only search marketing conference designed exclusively for experienced internet marketers. We’ve heard some great things about SMX Advanced sessions and have never been in the US for the Seattle event. No speakers have been announced at the time of this post but we’re positive that this is going to be great. Dedicated to a conference without a schedule or speaker list? It must be good. To get a 15% discount on the cost of the event, enter the promo code REDFLY010

May 20th: IIA Congress Dublin & Net Visionary Awards

Net Visionary Awards

The IIA Annual Congress 2010 will be held on Thursday 20 May in the Crowne Plaza Dublin Northwood followed by the Net Visionary Awards 2010 that same evening. The IIA Congress usually operates on an annual “theme” of which most of the sessions are (at least loosely) based on. We’ve been a member of the Irish Internet Association for nearly two years now and this will be our first congress.

September 17th-19th: Think Tank San Diego

Think Tank San Diego

For the past two years, something urgent has always come up to prevent us from attending this. Hopefully this year will be different. Think Tank is a conference with a difference run by one of the nicest blokes in the industry, Dave Klein of PurposeINC (Yes, the same Dave Klein who runs the Pubcon Charity poker tournament and fixes back problems). This is an invite only event and caters for experienced online marketers with a friendly no-pitch setting.

October 11th-13th: A4U Expo London

A4U Expo London

A4U Expo in London is one of the funnest events with the widest verity of attendees of any other conference. A4U focuses not only on the affiliate marketing industry, but the search industry that surrounds it. While we keep our involvement in the affiliate space fairly clear of the Redfly blog, the quirky and incredibly intelligent people you can meet at this conference makes it a must-attend.

November/December: Pubcon Las Vegas.

Pubcon Las Vegas

If A4U is one of the funnest conferences, Pubcon Las Vegas is without a doubt the funnest. Let’s face it, it’s in Vegas, it can hardly be anything but fun. Pubcon is the de-facto search marketing conference. It’s one of the oldest and most respected conferences of the year. Those who have been to one (or a few) know that it needs no introduction, those who have not should come along with us this year for the educational and online marketing event of the year.

Get In Touch.

If you would like to arrange a sit down, some lunch or just a chat at the bar at any of these events, get in touch. We’ll be more than happy to get the first round in.

  1. Andrew@BloggingGuide Says:
    February 12th, 2010 at 5:37 am

    First time here on this blog and this is really interesting – traveling around the globe to share about internet marketing and blogging. Will try to see if I can say Hi to you in London. More power and continue your good work and valuable contribution to the online world.

  2. Dave Davis Says:
    February 12th, 2010 at 1:08 pm

    Hi Andrew, thanks for stopping by. Will you be attending SES next week?

  3. purposeinc Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 12:26 am

    Whoop whoop on thinktank!
    Thrilled you are coming out!

  4. Airfone Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 1:23 am

    Very nice to see Redfly team flying all over the world. I will try to wave you a hai at Vegas later this year!

  5. Dave Davis Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    Well Dave, we have not got our official invite yet ;) Either way, at least one of the team is going to try make it to the US conferences this year.

    It’s been too long, so much has happened since we last met.

  6. Damien Mulley Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    You’ll be coming to the Web Awards in October so then? :) Final date will be sorted soon.

  7. Dave Davis Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    Hi Damien.
    Yes, without a doubt. Assuming it does not clash with A4U expo in London in October.

    There are a few events that dates have not been released for yet that I personally plan on attending. Pubcon got special placement because I would be going even if they had a group of goats speaking :)

    If you need a dig out with anything for the web awards, I’ll me more than happy to lend a hand.

  8. Michele Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Nice idea and I’m also impressed that you’ve planned that far ahead. With a lot of the events we don’t really decide if we’re going or not until a couple of weeks in advance.
    There’s also a TRAFFIC conference in Dublin in August you might be interested in, while the ICANN meeting in Brussels might also be of interest, as there’ll be a lot of talk about new TLDs (ok – you might not be as interested by it as I am)

  9. Sabrina Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 9:15 pm

    I’m delighted you’re turning up at WordCamp. Obviously, I’m chuffed you agreed to sponsor but mostly I’m happy I get to see you! :)

  10. Dave Davis Says:
    February 13th, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    Michele, I know what you mean. I’d say there will be cancellations and a few additions to the list. Planning ahead allows for cups of coffee and to meet with those who we wouldn’t normally get to meet due to being in Ireland.

    Sabrina, looking forward to it too! Being among the other sponsors puts us in some very good company!

  11. Roderick Dunne Says:
    February 14th, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    Mini typo in your post – “Spetember”. :)

    I’m pencilled in for SMX & A4U so will say ‘alright budd’ if I spot yee. (yup I’m a dub).


  12. niall Says:
    February 14th, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    Jeez dave, that’s a LOT of conferences! Hope to catch you for a beer at one of them. Best of luck to redfly in 2010.

  13. Leslie Says:
    February 15th, 2010 at 7:30 am

    Hi Dave we should grab a coffee in Kilkenny. I have started to do my best to make my life look like a continual holiday – but you are way ahead so far…

  14. Dave Davis Says:
    February 15th, 2010 at 10:54 am

    @Roderick, thanks for pointing that out. Fixed. Do say hello, I shall do the same :)

    @Niall, if only I could add CAP (or is it called something different now?) to the list.

    @Leslie, definitely.

  15. Gab Goldenberg Says:
    February 24th, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Would any of you gents be coming out here to Israel? There’s Sphinncon on March 7th, though it’s sold out if you don’t yet have tix.

  16. Dave Davis Says:
    February 24th, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Hey Gab, nobody from here I’m afraid. Are you going yourself?

    Oh, and get yourself a gravatar would ya? ;)

  17. Effendy Lie Says:
    March 1st, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    Can’t wait until April 22nd.. Welcome to Sydney!

  18. Damien Mulley Says:
    April 8th, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    Web Awards are on Oct 16th, non Radisson hotel being looked for!

  19. Dave Davis Says:
    April 8th, 2010 at 8:01 pm

    Ahhh, you noticed the trackback ;) Had some problems with them myself. Every hotel I have issues with always offers me a comped night… like I’ll ever go back!

    I’ve to remove an event and add two to this list. Changing the page up to use the events microformat & need new images so will update with the Web Awards shortly. You using the same branding/imagery as previous years?

  20. Damien Mulley Says:
    April 8th, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    Possibly, Alan O’Rourke wants to do a new logo for IWA but am fond of the existing one.

  21. Jenny Says:
    April 15th, 2010 at 6:52 am

    Great news, hope to meet you soon guys.